A subclass of TransposingSamplePlayingInstrument which maps pitches to sound files, and transposes to fill in unmapped gaps,
Does a simple loop to sustain the sample over time.
A subclass of TransposingSampleSustainingInstrument which maps pitches to sound files, and transposes to fill in unmapped gaps,
This class does a better job of sustaining than TransposingSamplePlayingInstrument, as it uses two sample players to manage the loop, and crossfades between them
Copy and rename this example, change the buildFromAttributes() method.
Provides an array of short[] containing data generated by Chebyshev polynomial.
Input to Chebyshev is -1..1, output is -1..1, scaled to -32768..32767 and stored in short[]
Constructor which fills short[numFrames] with Chebyshev data -1..1 scaled to short
Note that any Polynomial can plug in here, just make sure output is -1..1 when input ranges from -1..1
Look for instances of com.softsynth.jsyn.SynthNote in classpath
bug: grinds to a silent halt when it encounters JMSLInstrumentToMax which Class.forName() croaks on any subclass of MaxObject
Clear the static vector of SynthSample built by multiple calls to load()
(for example, call this in applet.stop() after JSyn's synth engine is
stopped, to prevent invalid tokens upon reloading)
When a MusicDevice.open() is called, it should JMSL.addMusicDevice(itself) Then when programs
terminate, one call to JMSL.closeMusicDevices() will close() it and all other MusicDevices
that added themselves.
Calculate the mean pitch of all notes in the copy buffer.
Set the pitch of each according to the position in the buffer: early notes changed minimally,
later notes attracted maximally to mean.
CopyBuffer is a temporary place to copy selected elements, to enumerate
through and delete for example, or to parse out into a new ScoreCollection