Class Summary | |
AddNotesToScore | This simply uses addNote(dur) to add notes to a Score. |
ClassBrowserTest | Look for instances of com.softsynth.jsyn.SynthNote in classpath bug: grinds to a silent halt when it encounters JMSLInstrumentToMax which Class.forName() croaks on any subclass of MaxObject |
CopyMusicShape | |
DimensionNameSpaceEditorTest | |
DrawOnScore | Draw on top of a score using call back |
DrawOnScore2 | Draw on top of a rendered score repeatedly, save each resulting image as jpeg image sequence Using new callback via scorecanvaslistener to add drawing on top of score. |
DrawWithMouseOnScore | Use the new scoreCanvasDragged() callback in ScoreCanvasListener to draw onto a Score with the mouse. |
DualUseGraphicsScoreTest | Switch between AWT and Swing. |
EnharmonicNoteTest | Exercise enharmonic spelling of notes. |
EventExample | |
EvSchedMusicListTest | |
ExpDecayInterpTest | Build an exponentially decreasing shape and display in Shape Editor |
ExpInterpTest | |
FourTracksPerStaff | Put four tracks of music on one staff. |
HailStoneTest | |
Halt1Test | |
HelloJMSL | A simple JMSL class to test JMSL installation. |
JavaSoundMidiTest | Set JMSL.midi to MidiIO_JavaSound and play some Midi melodies |
JMSLJSynApplet | JMSLJSynApplet.java Generate and play a MusicShape Use a JSyn SynthNote wrapped in a polyphonic JMSL Instrument Every repeat, the MusicShape scrambles a random subrange of data Calls MusicShapeEditor.refresh() to update display after data changes |
JMSLMixerContainerTest | Add wildly heterogeneous Instruments to a JMSLMixer. |
JMSLRandomTest | |
JScrollPaneTest | |
ListMidiDevices | List midi ports by name Not very useful as of JMSL's default MidiShare implementation. |
LongList | |
LurkerTest | |
MidiInputTest | |
MidiLoggerNonRealTimeTest | You can use MidiLogger to simply write MIDI events into the logger and finally write out a MIDI file. |
MidiLoggerRealTimeTest | Perform some Midi melodies, change them in the MusicShapeEditor, and log them as they are being played. |
MidiRecorderTest | Bring up a frame with Midi record/stop/play buttons. |
MidiSchedulingTest | This class tests MidiScheduling by playing a parallel collection of monophonic melodies, whose timing (in)accuracy is clearly audible. |
MidiSysexSendTest | Bring up a frame with a midi init panel. |
MultipleScoresDemo1 | Displays scores in your own gui Generate and transcribe 5 MusicShapes. |
MultipleScoresDemo2 | Open up a Frame and display two different scores in the same frame |
MultipleScoresDemoPolyTempo | Launch more than one score simultaneously. |
MultiTrackExpressionMarks | |
MusicJobTest | |
MusicShapeEditorFrame | A convenience Frame with a MusicShapeEditor panel. |
Noteheads | Exercise various notehead types. |
NoteheadsTest | Test various notehead types |
NoteOnNoteOffTest | Deprecated demo. |
OofTest | |
PavlosExperiment | Quarter notes that decellerate. |
PortViewScrollPaneTest | |
PortViewTest | Build a GUI with components that can switch between Swing and AWT . |
PrintMidiFile | Use softsynth midifile tools to read in a midifile and print out events after they are all parsed |
QuarterTones | Generate a quarter tone scale with sharps preferred, and another with flats preferred, to verify NoteFactory's setLevelPitch with quarter tone accidentals. |
SamplePlayingTest | Load samples into a TransposingSamplePlayingInstrument, assigned to pitches. |
ScoreDurationsTest | Torture Score's ability to match arbitrary duration. This simply uses addNote(dur) It is *not* a test of the more sophisticated transcriber Add notes with increasing Myhill ratio ... |
ScoreLayoutTest | |
ScoreTest | Exercise Score. |
SelfTest | Call self testing qa() methods for various classes. |
ShapeEditorTest | |
SimpleSamplePlayingInstrumentWithAmplitudeMap | This subclass of SimpleSamplePlayingInstrument overrides getAlternativeSampleIndex() to map note 60 to three different samples based on amplitude. |
SwingScoreCanvasTest | Build a GUI in Swing. |
TestJitter | |
TimePostingPlayable | |
TimePrintingPlayable | |
TranscribeScore10 | Transcribe two MusicShapes and generate a Score. |
TranscribeScore11 | Transcribe a MusicShapes and generate a Score. |
TranscribeScore2 | JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation. |
TranscribeScore3 | JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation. |
TranscribeScore4 | JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation. |
TranscribeScore5 | JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation. |
TranscribeScore6 | JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation. |
TranscribeScore7 | JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation. |
TranscribeScore8 | TranscriberListener gets a callback for every note added to a Score during the transcription process. |
TranscribeScore9 | JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation. |
TransposingSamplePlayingInstrumentWithAmplitudeMap | This subclass of TransposingSamplePlayingInstrument overrides getAlternativeSampleIndex() to map note 60 to three different samples based on amplitude. |
TransposingSampleSustainingInstrumentWithAmplitudeMap | This subclass of TransposingSampleSustainingInstrument overrides getAlternativeSampleIndex() to map note 60 to three different samples based on amplitude. |
TuningTest | Compare two definitions of 12tet tuning: TuningTable versus TuningET |
TwoHundredFiftySixthNotes | Generate a measure of 256th notes. |
TwoTracksPerStaff | Put two tracks of music on one staff hihats with stems up. |
UpdateSynthNoteInstrumentTest | Test update() on TunedSynthNoteInstrument (the highest JSyn Instrument in the class tree to implement update(). |