Package jmsltestsuite

Class Summary
AddNotesToScore This simply uses addNote(dur) to add notes to a Score.
ClassBrowserTest Look for instances of com.softsynth.jsyn.SynthNote in classpath bug: grinds to a silent halt when it encounters JMSLInstrumentToMax which Class.forName() croaks on any subclass of MaxObject
DrawOnScore Draw on top of a score using call back
DrawOnScore2 Draw on top of a rendered score repeatedly, save each resulting image as jpeg image sequence Using new callback via scorecanvaslistener to add drawing on top of score.
DrawWithMouseOnScore Use the new scoreCanvasDragged() callback in ScoreCanvasListener to draw onto a Score with the mouse.
DualUseGraphicsScoreTest Switch between AWT and Swing.
EnharmonicNoteTest Exercise enharmonic spelling of notes.
ExpDecayInterpTest Build an exponentially decreasing shape and display in Shape Editor
FourTracksPerStaff Put four tracks of music on one staff.
HelloJMSL A simple JMSL class to test JMSL installation.
JavaSoundMidiTest Set JMSL.midi to MidiIO_JavaSound and play some Midi melodies
JMSLJSynApplet Generate and play a MusicShape Use a JSyn SynthNote wrapped in a polyphonic JMSL Instrument Every repeat, the MusicShape scrambles a random subrange of data Calls MusicShapeEditor.refresh() to update display after data changes
JMSLMixerContainerTest Add wildly heterogeneous Instruments to a JMSLMixer.
ListMidiDevices List midi ports by name

Not very useful as of JMSL's default MidiShare implementation.
MidiLoggerNonRealTimeTest You can use MidiLogger to simply write MIDI events into the logger and finally write out a MIDI file.
MidiLoggerRealTimeTest Perform some Midi melodies, change them in the MusicShapeEditor, and log them as they are being played.
MidiRecorderTest Bring up a frame with Midi record/stop/play buttons.
MidiSchedulingTest This class tests MidiScheduling by playing a parallel collection of monophonic melodies, whose timing (in)accuracy is clearly audible.
MidiSysexSendTest Bring up a frame with a midi init panel.
MultipleScoresDemo1 Displays scores in your own gui Generate and transcribe 5 MusicShapes.
MultipleScoresDemo2 Open up a Frame and display two different scores in the same frame
MultipleScoresDemoPolyTempo Launch more than one score simultaneously.
MusicShapeEditorFrame A convenience Frame with a MusicShapeEditor panel.
Noteheads Exercise various notehead types.
NoteheadsTest Test various notehead types
NoteOnNoteOffTest Deprecated demo.
PavlosExperiment Quarter notes that decellerate.
PortViewTest Build a GUI with components that can switch between Swing and AWT .
PrintMidiFile Use softsynth midifile tools to read in a midifile and print out events after they are all parsed
QuarterTones Generate a quarter tone scale with sharps preferred, and another with flats preferred, to verify NoteFactory's setLevelPitch with quarter tone accidentals.
SamplePlayingTest Load samples into a TransposingSamplePlayingInstrument, assigned to pitches.
ScoreDurationsTest Torture Score's ability to match arbitrary duration.
This simply uses addNote(dur) It is *not* a test of the more sophisticated transcriber Add notes with increasing Myhill ratio ...
ScoreTest Exercise Score.
SelfTest Call self testing qa() methods for various classes.
SimpleSamplePlayingInstrumentWithAmplitudeMap This subclass of SimpleSamplePlayingInstrument overrides getAlternativeSampleIndex() to map note 60 to three different samples based on amplitude.
SwingScoreCanvasTest Build a GUI in Swing.
TranscribeScore10 Transcribe two MusicShapes and generate a Score.
TranscribeScore11 Transcribe a MusicShapes and generate a Score.
TranscribeScore2 JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation.
TranscribeScore3 JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation.
TranscribeScore4 JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation.
TranscribeScore5 JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation.
TranscribeScore6 JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation.
TranscribeScore7 JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation.
TranscribeScore8 TranscriberListener gets a callback for every note added to a Score during the transcription process.
TranscribeScore9 JMSL's com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe package enables the transcription of arbitrary MusicShape data into common music notation.
TransposingSamplePlayingInstrumentWithAmplitudeMap This subclass of TransposingSamplePlayingInstrument overrides getAlternativeSampleIndex() to map note 60 to three different samples based on amplitude.
TransposingSampleSustainingInstrumentWithAmplitudeMap This subclass of TransposingSampleSustainingInstrument overrides getAlternativeSampleIndex() to map note 60 to three different samples based on amplitude.
TuningTest Compare two definitions of 12tet tuning: TuningTable versus TuningET
TwoHundredFiftySixthNotes Generate a measure of 256th notes.
TwoTracksPerStaff Put two tracks of music on one staff hihats with stems up.
UpdateSynthNoteInstrumentTest Test update() on TunedSynthNoteInstrument (the highest JSyn Instrument in the class tree to implement update().