Class Summary |
AppletColorInstrument |
A simple Interpreter subclass that interprets data as rgb color, interprets element[0] as duration |
ArrayEditorPanel |
AudioClipJob |
CelloSampleIns |
A subclass of TransposingSamplePlayingInstrument which maps pitches to sound files, and transposes to fill in unmapped gaps,
Does a simple loop to sustain the sample over time. |
CelloSampleSustainingIns |
A subclass of TransposingSampleSustainingInstrument which maps pitches to sound files, and transposes to fill in unmapped gaps,
This class does a better job of sustaining than TransposingSamplePlayingInstrument, as it uses two sample players to manage the loop, and crossfades between them
Copy and rename this example, change the buildFromAttributes() method. |
ColToot02 |
ColToot03 |
ColToot04 |
ColToot05 |
ConvergeToMeanTransform |
Calculate the mean pitch of all notes in the copy buffer.
Set the pitch of each according to the position in the buffer: early notes changed minimally,
later notes attracted maximally to mean. |
FilteredSawVibrato |
(c) 2004 Nick Didkovsky |
FMSpectrumApplet |
FMSpectrumCalculator |
HierarchicalMenuExample |
Build hierarchical menus from fully qualified classnames |
HocketTransform |
InsToot03 |
InsToot04 |
InsToot05 |
InsToot07EZa |
InsToot07EZb |
InsToot09 |
InsToot10 |
InsToot10Simple |
InsToot11 |
JavaSoundMidiApplet |
Set JMSL midi output to Java Sound MIDI device. |
JMSLScoreAppletToot |
JScoreJSynPolyInsApplet |
JMSL Score with SynthNote we designed by hand
JScoreToot01 |
JScoreToot02 |
JScoreToot03 |
JScoreToot05 |
JScoreToot06 |
JScoreToot08 |
JScoreTootJavaSoundMIDI |
MessagePrintingPlayable |
MJToot05 |
MJToot06 |
MJToot07 |
MJToot09 |
MJToot10 |
MJToot11 |
MJToot12 |
MJTootClip01 |
MutationMeanTransform |
The resulting melody is the pitch mean and duration mean of the two sources, specifically:
the pitch of the resulting Noten = mean pitch of Aux1Noten and Aux2Noten
the duration of the resulting Noten = mean duration of Aux1Noten and Aux2Noten
PlayLurkerToot01 |
Play a melody with a MusicShape while a PlayLurker is notified of every
element played. |
PlayToot02 |
Play a sequence of MusicShapes with the same JSyn instrument
Generate 7 MusicShapes, each 3 elements long, with random melodies and synth control params. |
PlayToot03 |
PrintingJob |
SabbathBrideMusicShape |
Microtonally reasonably close transcription of Jody Diamond singing "Sabbath
Bride" |
ShapeToot03 |
ShapeToot04 |
ShapeToot05 |
SineCircuit |
SineInsAllocator |
SineInstrument |
This Instrument owns a simple JSyn SineCircuit, and plays it with pitch and amplitude |
SineSynthNote |
A SineOscillator SynthNote with an amplitude envelope. |
SineSynthNoteAllocator |
A voice allocator to get a polyphonic JSyn instrument.
SlowSine |
(C) 2004 Nick Didkovsky |
SpectrumCanvas |
SpectrumData |
SpectrumDatum |
SuperBrass |
Automatically generated source. |
SuperRingModBell |
Automatically generated source. |
SupoveVox |
A subclass of SimpleSamplePlayingInstrument which maps pitches to sound files. |
SynthNoteTesterApplet |
TextAreaSTDOut |
Useful STDOut for JMSL printing in Applets |
TootDelay |
WARNING - this code automatically generated by Wire. |
TranscribeToot05 |
Edit a MusicShape in the MusicShapeEditor, then transcribe it into a notated Score. |
TranscribeToot06 |
Demonstrates use of TranscriberListener interface to compute properties of
Notes as they are being transcribed. |
TuningETToot |
TuningTableToot |
Provide textfields for user to define custom tuning table
Starts with Gamalan Son of Lion tuning. |
TutSquare |
WARNING - this code automatically generated by Wire. |
WeightedIntegerToot |
Plays a MusicJob which consults a WeightedIntegerSequence to play a random walk melody. |
WeightedObjectToot |
Plays a SequentialCollection which has a WeightedObjectChooser as its
Behavior. |