Uses of Class

Packages that use MusicJob

Uses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl

Subclasses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl
 class MusicList
A MusicList's children are InstrumentPlayable's.
 class MusicShape
          MusicShape - a MusicJob with an abstract array of data elements.
 class ParallelCollection
          Parallel Collection for JMSL Collections can contain other Composable objects which allows a hierarchy to be created.
 class Player
          A Player has a sequence of MusicShapes and one Instrument to interpret MusicShape data.
 class QueueCollection
          A QueueCollection launches each of its Composable children in sequence.
 class SequentialCollection
          A sequential collection launches each of its Composable children in sequence.

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl with parameters of type MusicJob
 void PlayLurker.notifyPlayLurker(double playTime, MusicJob list, int index)
 double[] DataTranslator.translate(MusicJob job, double[] data)

Uses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl.midi

Subclasses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl.midi
 class MidiNoteRecorder
          MusicShape that logs Midi noteon's to a 3 dimensional MusicShape (timestamp, note, vel)
NoteOff's are logged at noteOn's with vel 0 See MidiParser

Uses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl.score

Subclasses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl.score
 class Measure
A ParallelCollection of Staff
JMSL Notation Project
 class MeasureMetronome
 class ScoreCollection
          ScoreCollection contains the playable structure of a Score.
 class Staff
A Staff is a ParallelCollection of up to any number of Tracks, which get drawn on the same staff, played by the same instrument.
 class Track
A Track is a MusicList of Note objects
JMSL Notation Project

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type MusicJob
 void NoteFlasher.notifyPlayLurker(double playTime, MusicJob track, int index)

Uses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util with parameters of type MusicJob
 void QuietPlayLurkingInstrument.notifyPlayLurker(double playTime, MusicJob list, int index)
          Override to do something useful, and put it in your jmsl_plugins folder or use directly in your own code.

Uses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl.util

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.util with parameters of type MusicJob
 double[] FrequencyToPitchTranslator.translate(MusicJob job, double[] data)
 double[] DataTranslatorVector.translate(MusicJob job, double[] data)
          Enumerate through DataTranslators, calling translate() on each, feeding output of one in as input to the next

Uses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl.view

Subclasses of MusicJob in com.softsynth.jmsl.view
 class ClockTicker
          MusicJob which acts like a simple hh:mm:ss timer

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.view with parameters of type MusicJob
 void MusicShapeEditor.notifyPlayLurker(double playTime, MusicJob list, int index)

Uses of MusicJob in jmslexamples

Subclasses of MusicJob in jmslexamples
 class TextJob
 A MusicJob subclass that has a drawing canvas on which it can draw messages.

Uses of MusicJob in jmslexamples.jsyn

Subclasses of MusicJob in jmslexamples.jsyn
 class FMNoodler
          FMNoodler noodles around with the frequency and modulation parameters of an FM pair.
 class SeqGenDemo.SeqJob

Methods in jmslexamples.jsyn with parameters of type MusicJob
 void PlayLurkingJSynInstrument.notifyPlayLurker(double playTime, MusicJob job, int index)
          PlayLurker interface.

Uses of MusicJob in jmsltestsuite

Subclasses of MusicJob in jmsltestsuite
 class DimensionNameSpaceEditorTest

Methods in jmsltestsuite with parameters of type MusicJob
 void LurkerTest.notifyPlayLurker(double playTime, MusicJob list, int index)

Uses of MusicJob in jmsltutorial

Subclasses of MusicJob in jmsltutorial
 class AudioClipJob
 class PrintingJob
 class SabbathBrideMusicShape
          Microtonally reasonably close transcription of Jody Diamond singing "Sabbath Bride"