Class Summary |
AlgorithmicTimbreDemo |
Create a MusicShape with an Instrument that controls the various input ports
on some JSyn SynthNote. |
AlgorithmicTimbreScoreDemo |
Generate a JMSL Score algorithmically. |
AnimationAppletWithSound |
Extends AnimationApplet in jmslexamples substituting MusicJob "scripts" that
move the characters around while also making sound. |
DataTranslatorDemo |
Alter performance data non-destructively using DataTranslator
Play a MusicShape with chromatic pitches. |
DataTranslatorVectorDemo |
Chain multiple DataTranslators together in a sequence. |
DimensionNameSpaceEditorExample |
This class has a double[] that can be edited by a DimensionNameSpaceEditPanel |
EventDistributionsJSynDemo |
Launch a MusicJob whose performance density is generated by a Myhill Distribution. |
EventDistributionsJSynDemoWithScore |
Launch a MusicJob whose performance density is generated by a Myhill
Distribution. |
FMNoodler |
FMNoodler noodles around with the frequency and modulation
parameters of an FM pair. |
FMPairBlaster |
FrequencyDataTranslatorDemo |
Use a DataTranslator to convert data from frequencies to pitches so
JSynInsFromClassName can use a MusicShape where frequnecies are specified. |
FullFeaturedSynthNoteSupport |
Full featured example of using JSyn SynthNote to play in JMSL. |
JScoreJSynDemo |
Score with a JSyn instrument orchestra |
JScoreOofDemo |
This applet generates pitches using JMSL's 1/F sequence generator. |
JSynMIDIPlayer |
Play a JSyn with MIDI . |
LoadJScoreURL |
Load a score from a URL
Use com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.JMSLScoreApplet !!! |
MonoTimbralScoreDemo |
Score with a JSyn instrument orchestra |
PitchGliss |
Use instrument.update() to gliss pitch
This is a little unusual because JMSL by default uses the pitch dimension to retrieve allocated
voices when ins.update() is called. |
PlayLurkingArpeggiatorExample |
Use a PlayLurker to listen in on elements of a MusicShape being played. |
PlayLurkingJSynInstrument |
This behaves just like a SynthNoteAllPortsInstrument playing a
com.softsynth.jsyn.circuits.FilteredSawtoothBL, adding the PlayLurker
interface so that it can be notified of elements being played by other
objects. |
PlayModShape |
Shows how to play JSyn with JMSL without using support classs like
SynthNoteAllPortsInstrument and without using standard dimension name spaces
This applet starts two Shapes in parallel. |
PolyTimbralScoreDemo |
Score with a SynthNoteAllPortsInstrument orchestra
Double click on a note to edit its timbre
This instrument takes a SynthNote class name and max voices in its
constructor, and will make each input port editable |
QueueCollectionDemo |
Play shapes by adding them to a queue. |
QueueCollectionDrumBeats |
Use QueueCollection to queue up three different drum beats interactively. |
SeqGenDemo |
Play various sequences. |
SignalProcessingExampleChanges |
Play a melody with a MusicsShape. |
SignalProcessingExampleNoChanges |
Play a melody with a MusicsShape. |
SignalProcessingScore |
Demonstrates how a JMSL Score can have one instrument in one staff apply
signal processing to the output of other instrument(s) on other staff/ves
Here two instruments (FilteredSawtoothBL and RingModBell) are bussed to an
instrument with an interpolating delay line. |
SignalProcessingScore2 |
Signal Processing JMSL Score example
Staff 1 performs signal processing on staff 0
Play a rich resonant drone in staff 1
Band Pass filter in staff 2
Notice that pitches of bandpass "melody" are fractional, and are mapped onto the frequency of the filter |
SimpleSynthNoteSupport |
Simple example of using JSyn SynthNote to play in JMSL. |
SimpleTimbralEvolution |
This examples shows how to use Instrument on(), update() and off() to start a sound, update its
timbre over time, then shut it down. |
Speedy |
Control the playback speed of a ParallelCollection of MusicJobs that play
JSyn Instruments using timeStretch
Also shows how to manage data as frequencies and use
com.softsynth.jmsl.util.FrequencyToPitchTranslator to convert to pitch right
before handing double[] to Instrument which expect pitch |
SpeedySynthNote |
For Speedy example |
SquareSineSawSynthNote |
This SynthNote has three outputs: output, output2, and output3 each with one
part. |
ThreeOutputSynthNoteApplet |
Demonstrates JMSL support for SynthNotes with more than one SynthOutput
defined. |
TimbralControlApplet |
Demonstrates continuous control by JMSL over JSyn synth parameters. |
TuningNoodler1 |
VirtualKeyboard |
Use checkboxes as virtual keys for any tuning. |