Class Summary |
InstrumentOnOff |
Use a MusicJob to turn an Instrument on() for five seconds, then shut it off(). |
InstrumentOnOffUpdate |
Use a MusicJob to turn an Instrument on() for two seconds, update its amplitude numerous times,
then shut it off(). |
JSynQuartet |
Use a ParallelCollection to play four independent voices. |
JSynScore |
Build a simple Score with an orchestra of JSyn instruments. |
JSynSong |
Use a SequentialCollection to play ABABB "song form" with a JSyn SynthNote instrument |
MIDIScore |
Build a simple Score with a JavaSound Midi orchestra
If the Java installation that is running this applet does not have a JavaSound MIDI soundbank,
your classes folder (ie your applet's codebase) must contain a folder called javasound containing
a soundbank called (or call subfolder and the soundbank whatever you want and
change the name in the initJavaSoundMidi() method below |
MIDISong |
Use a SequentialCollection to ABAB "song form" with Midi piano
If the Java installation that is running this applet does not have a JavaSound MIDI soundbank, your classes folder
(ie your applet's codebase) must contain a folder called javasound containing a soundbank called
(or call subfolder and the soundbank whatever you want and change the name in the initJavaSoundMidi() method below |
MusicListExample |
Schedule a sequence of chord-making objects. |
MusicShapeScrambling |
Play a MusicShape repeatedly with a JSyn instrument, each repeat scramble the order of its
Also demonstrates how to add a PlayLurker which is notified of elements being played by
MusicShape. |
OneSoundOnce |
Just play one pitched sound once. |
RandomJSynMusicJobMelody |
Use a MusicJob to play a melody made up of uniformly random pitches, durations, amplitudes, & hold times |
TenRandomMidiNotes |
Use a MusicJob to play ten MIDI notes with random pitch, duration, vel, and
hold time |
TimbralMusicShape |
Play all input ports of a JSyn SynthNote with a MusicShape |
TranscribeAndNotate |
Transcribe two MusicShapes and generate a Score. |
UnpredictableSong |
Same as JSynSong except the verse, chorus, and rest will come in an unpredictable order |