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randomADSRDataMaker() - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.ADSRDataMaker
RandomDriver - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
RandomDriver, an object of this type generates a random number sequence whose seed can be set and gotten.
RandomDriver() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomDriver
RandomEnvDataMaker - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
Build a random n stage envelope.
RandomEnvDataMaker(double, int) - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomEnvDataMaker
Create a random envelope lasting dur with steps stages.
RandomEnvDataMaker(double, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomEnvDataMaker
Create a random envelope lasting dur with steps stages.
RandomEnvDataMaker(double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomEnvDataMaker
Create a random envelope lasting dur with steps stages.
randomize() - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.JMSLRandom
set random seed from time.
randomize() - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.SequenceGenerator
Set seed from system time.
randomize() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.HailstoneSequence
Set seed from system time.
randomize() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.Oof
Set seed from system time.
randomize() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomDriver
set random seed from time
randomize() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomSequence
Set seed from system time.
randomize() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.SequencerGeneratorAdapter
Set seed from system time.
randomize(double, double, int, int, int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicShape
set random values into a shape.
RandomizeMusicShapeEditorOperator - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
Randomize values of selected elements within the min/max ranges set by user in MusicShapeEditor
RandomizeMusicShapeEditorOperator() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomizeMusicShapeEditorOperator
RandomJSynMusicJobMelody - Class in jmslexamples.simple
Use a MusicJob to play a melody made up of uniformly random pitches, durations, amplitudes, & hold times
RandomJSynMusicJobMelody() - Constructor for class jmslexamples.simple.RandomJSynMusicJobMelody
RandomSequence - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
Generate evenly distributed pseudo-random sequence of integers within a given inclusive range.
RandomSequence() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomSequence
randomStep() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.Limits
Take one step in a random walk, adding a random value betwwen -range ..
RandomWalkSequence - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
Generate pseudo-random sequence of integers within a given inclusive range.
RandomWalkSequence() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomWalkSequence
RANGE_SELECT - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.MusicShapeEditor
rate - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.circuits.FilteredSawtoothExpLag
rate - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.circuits.FilteredWhiteNoise
rate - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.circuits.VariableRateSampleReader
rate - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.unitvoices.FilteredSawtoothBL
rate - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.unitvoices.SmoothFilteredSawtoothBL
ratios - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.PtolemyTuning
static double[] ratios = { TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 1.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 16 / 15.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 6 / 5.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 5 / 4.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 4 / 3.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 45 / 32.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 3 / 2.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 8 / 5.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 5 / 3.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 9 / 5.0, TuningET.BASE_FREQ * 15 / 8.0 };
RawJScoreFileImporter - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util
RawJScoreFileImporter() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.RawJScoreFileImporter
RawJScoreFileListener - Interface in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util
RawJScoreFileParser - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util
A raw JScore file is a text file that looks something like this: TICKSPERQUARTER 240 MAXVEL 127 STAFFS 6 NOTE 0 6 30 44 120 0 1 0 NOTE 0 6 30 41 120 0 1 0 NOTE 0 6 30 41 120 0 1 0 NOTE 0 6 30 41 120 0 1 0 NOTE 0 6 30 41 120 0 1 0 Comments: NOTE measure# track# dur pitch vel tiedoutflag beamedoutflag playstyle Make measure = -1 if you don't care to set the measure of the note explicitely, rather letting it flow into the score.
RawJScoreFileParser(FileReader) - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.RawJScoreFileParser
RawJScoreFileParser(URL) - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.RawJScoreFileParser
RawJScoreFilePrinter - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util
RawJScoreFilePrinter() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.RawJScoreFilePrinter
RawJScoreFilePrintingListener - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util
RawJScoreFilePrintingListener() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.RawJScoreFilePrintingListener
read() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.Base64.InputStream
Reads enough of the input stream to convert to/from Base64 and returns the next byte.
read() - Method in class com.softsynth.midifile.MIDIFileInputStream
Override read method with one that counts bytes.
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.softsynth.midifile.MIDIFileInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.Base64.InputStream
Calls repeatedly until the end of stream is reached or len bytes are read.
read(File) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.BeamGroupCollectionIO
read(URL) - Static method in class
Read a serializable Object from a URL.
readBinaryHMSLShape(DataInputStream) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicShape
Read a binary file into a new Shape.
readIntBig() - Method in class com.softsynth.midifile.MIDIFileInputStream
Read 32 bit signed integer assuming Big Endian byte order.
readShortBig() - Method in class com.softsynth.midifile.MIDIFileInputStream
Read 16 bit signed short assuming Big Endian byte order.
realign() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Measure
Calculate width from measure contents.
realignMeasure() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
realTime() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.DefaultMusicClock
Use this time when you want to play something immediately.
realTime() - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.JMSL
realTime() - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicClock
realTime() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.NonRealTimeMusicClock
Use this time when you want to play something immediately.
rebuildSectionNames() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.BinaryCopyBufferTransformCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.DeleteCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.DeleteMeasureCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.DeleteStaffCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.DurationDefaultShortcutCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
Redo ScoreCommand on top of redo stack.
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.InsertMeasureCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.InsertStaffCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.NotePropertiesTransformCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.TempoCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.TimeSignatureCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.UnaryCopyBufferTransformCommand
redo() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.UndoStack
redo() - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.util.Undoable
refresh() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.MusicShapeEditor
release - Variable in class jmslexamples.jsyn2.unitvoices.SpeedyUnitVoice
reload() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.SimpleSamplePlayingInstrument
reload() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.SamplePlayingInstrument
remove(int) - Method in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVMenu
remove(int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.PitchMappedSamplesModel
remove(int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
Remove child at specified index
remove(int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicShape
remove(int, int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicShape
Removes from this MusicShape all of the elements whose index is between fromIndex, inclusive and toIndex, exclusive.
remove(PVMenuItem) - Method in class com.didkovsky.portview.awt.PVMenuAWT
remove(PVMenuItem) - Method in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVMenu
remove(PVMenuItem) - Method in class com.didkovsky.portview.swing.PVMenuSwing
remove(UnitGenerator) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.JSynMusicDevice
remove(Composable) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
Remove child from vector of children
remove(TimeSignature) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.BeamGroupCollection
remove(Component) - Method in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVPanel
remove(Component) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PVPanelAdapter
remove(Object) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.WeightedObjectChooser
remove specified object from objects under consideration
removeAlertable(Alertable) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
removeAll() - Method in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVFrame
removeAll() - Method in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVPanel
removeAll() - Method in class com.didkovsky.portview.swing.PVFrameSwing
removeAll() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
Remove all children
removeAll() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PVDialogAdapter
removeAll() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PVFrameAdapter
removeAll() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PVPanelAdapter
removeAllBeatDivisionSchemes() - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe.BeatDivisionSchemeList
Clear out all beat division schemes
removeAllChoiceItems() - Method in class com.didkovsky.portview.awt.PVChoiceAWT
removeAllChoiceItems() - Method in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVChoice
removeAllChoiceItems() - Method in class com.didkovsky.portview.swing.PVChoiceSwing
removeAllChoiceItems() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.JSynDeviceSelector
removeAllGraceNotes() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Note
removeAllPlayLurkers() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
removeAllPlayLurkers() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
remove all playLurkers from all tracks of all staves of all measures
removeAllRepeatPlayables() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
removeAllScoreCanvasListeners() - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreCanvas
removeAllScoreCanvasListeners() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreCanvasAdapter
removeAllSelectionBufferListeners() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
removeAllSignalSources() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.SynthNoteAllPortsInstrumentSP
JSynSignalProcessingInstrument interface.
removeAllSignalSources() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.JSynSimpleUnitVoiceInstrument
removeAllSignalSources() - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.SignalProcessingInstrument
unpatch all signal sources feeding this instrument
removeAllStartPlayables() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
removeAllStopPlayables() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
removeAllUserBeans() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
removebeatDivisionScheme(double, int) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe.BeatDivisionSchemeList
removeCustomFaderListener(CustomFaderListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.view.CustomFader
removeDirtyListener(DirtyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.Editable
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.JSynMusicDevice
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.SimpleSamplePlayingInstrument
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.JSynMusicDevice
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.SamplePlayingInstrument
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.max.MaxInstrument
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.midi.MidiIO
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.NullMusicDevice
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.midi.MidiScoreInstrument
removeElement(Object) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.LinkedList
removeFileLoaderListener(FileLoaderListener) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.JMSL
removeGraceNote(Note) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Note
removeInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.JMSLMixerContainer
Calls removeInstrument(ins) on mixer which owns ins.
removeInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.JSynMixer
removeInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.JSynMixer
removeInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.midi.MidiMixer
removeInstrument(Instrument) - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.Mixer
Remove all faders associated with this instrument
removeInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.NullMixer
removeInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Orchestra
TODO implement this with MixerContainer consequences
removeInterval(Note) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Note
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVComponent
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class com.didkovsky.portview.PVScrollbar
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreCanvasAWT
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreCanvasSwing
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.JSynDeviceSelector
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.MusicShapeEditorCanvas
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PVDialogAdapter
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PVFrameAdapter
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PVLabelAdapter
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PVPanelAdapter
removeLurkerPatch(Patch) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.PlayLurkerPatchManager
Remove a patch from instrument index to staff index.
removeMeasureMetronomeListener(MeasureMetronomeListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MeasureMetronome
removeMIDIFileListener(MIDIFileListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.midifile.MIDIFileInputStream
removeMidiListener(MidiListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.midi.MidiParser
removeMidiParser(MidiParser) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.midi.MidiIO
removeMusicDevice(MusicDevice) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.JMSL
removeMusicGlyphRendererProxyListener(MusicGlyphRendererProxyListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MusicGlyphRendererProxy
RemoveMusicShapeEditorOperator - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
Remove selected range from a MusicShape in MusicShapeEditor
RemoveMusicShapeEditorOperator() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RemoveMusicShapeEditorOperator
removeMusicShapeRangeOperator(MusicShapeEditorOperator) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.MusicShapeEditor
removeNotes(int, int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
same as removeNotes(startMeasure, endMeasure, -1, -1);
removeNotes(int, int, int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
same as removeNotes(startMeasure, endMeasure, staffIndex, -1);
removeNotes(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
Remove Notes from range of measures (inclusive)
removeNotesFromStaff(Staff, int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
Remove all notes from specified trackIndex of Staff.
removeNumTracksPerStaffChangedListener(NumTracksPerStaffChangedListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
objects no longer interested in being notified when the number of tracks per staff has been changed (like the ScoreEditPanel) should remove itself from the score's listeners using this method
removeOrchPatch(Patch) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Orchestra
Remove a patch from instrument index to instrument index.
removePanAmpListener(PanAmpListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PanAmpPanel
removePatchEditorListener(PatchEditorListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PatchEditorPanel
removePlayheadListener(PlayheadListener) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.PlayheadDispatcher
removePlayLurker(PlayLurker) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
removePVScrollbarListener(PVScrollbarListener) - Method in class com.didkovsky.portview.PVScrollbar
removeRawJScoreFileListener(RawJScoreFileListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.RawJScoreFileParser
removeRepeatPlayable(Playable) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
removeSample(int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.SamplePlayingInstrument
removeScore(Score) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreFrame
removeScoreCanvasListener(ScoreCanvasListener) - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreCanvas
removeScoreCanvasListener(ScoreCanvasListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreCanvasAdapter
removeScoreCommandAddedListener(ScoreCommandAddedListener) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreCommandCenter
removeScoreEditManagerListener(EditManagerListener) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
removeScoreLayoutListener(ScoreLayoutListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
removeScoreTraverserListener(ScoreTraverserListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.ScoreTraverser
removeSelectionBufferListener(SelectionBufferListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
removeStartPlayable(Playable) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
removeStopPlayable(Playable) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
removeTranscriberListener(TranscriberListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe.Transcriber
removeUndoRedoStackListener(UndoRedoStackListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.EditManager
removeUserBean(Object) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Measure
removeUserBean(Object) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Note
removeUserBean(Object) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
removeUserBean(Object) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Staff
removeUserBean(Object) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Track
removeWAVRecorderPanelListener(StartStopListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.WAVRecorderPanel
removeWAVRecorderPanelListener(StartStopListener) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.WAVRecorderPanel
render() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
render(int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
render(int, double, boolean) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
render(Graphics) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.SegmentPath
render(Graphics, boolean) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.SegmentPath
render(Graphics, double) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Measure
render(Graphics, double) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Note
render(Graphics, double) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Staff
render(Graphics, double) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Track
render(Graphics, double, boolean) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScorePainter
Render to specified graphicsContext, optionally scheduled for the future to synch page turns with JMSL.clock
render(Graphics, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.NoteRenderer
render(Graphics, double, Note, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.NoteRenderer
render(Graphics, Clef, double, double, double, Staff) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ClefRenderer
render(Graphics, Staff, KeySignature, double, double) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.KeySignatureRenderer
render(Graphics, TimeSignature, double, double, double, Font, Staff) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.TimeSigRenderer
render(String, Object, double, double, double, Graphics) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.AccidentalsMusicGlyphRenderer
render(String, Object, double, double, double, Graphics) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MusicGlyphRenderer
render(String, Object, double, double, double, Graphics) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MusicGlyphRendererProxy
parent might be null, or might be a Note, Measure, or a Clef
render(String, Object, double, double, double, Graphics) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraMusicGlyphRenderer
parent might be null, or might be a Note, or a Clef
render(String, Object, double, double, double, Graphics) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.SonataMusicGlyphRenderer
parent might be null, or might be a Note, or a Clef
render8va(Graphics, double, Vector) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.OctavaRenderer
render8vb(Graphics, double, Vector) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.OctavaRenderer
renderAccacciatura(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderAccent(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderAccentStaccato(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderAccentTenuto(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderBars(Graphics, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Measure
renderBeams(Graphics, double, Vector) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.BeamRenderer
renderBowedTremolo(Graphics, int, int, double, Note, int) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderBreathMarkComma(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderCresc(Graphics, double, Vector) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.CrescRenderer
renderDecresc(Graphics, double, Vector) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.CrescRenderer
RenderedMessageBean - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util
A RenderedMessageBean may be added as a UserBean to a Measure, Staff, or Note, and executes when the object is drawn, as the very last rendering step.
RenderedMessageBean() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.RenderedMessageBean
RenderedMessageBean(String) - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util.RenderedMessageBean
RenderedMessageListener - Interface in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util
You can get a call-back from various objects when they are rendered in a Score.
RenderedMessagesTest - Class in jmsltestsuite
Add RenderedMessageBean to measure, staff, and notes.
RenderedMessagesTest() - Constructor for class jmsltestsuite.RenderedMessagesTest
renderFermata(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderFilled(Graphics) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.SegmentPath
treat path as a polygon and draw it filled
renderHarmonic(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderInvertedFermata(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderInvertedMordant(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderMark(Graphics, double, double, double, Note, int) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderMordant(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderRemainingStaffVectors(Graphics, double) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.NoteRenderer
Some cresc, decresc, 8va, 8vb groups might be loaded up but renders were not triggered because their terminating notes are on the next page.
renderSlur(Graphics, double, Vector) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.SlurRenderer
renderStaccato(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderTenuto(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderTrill(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderTrillFlat(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderTrillNatural(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderTrillSharp(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderTupletNumber(Graphics, int, double, double, Note, double) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.NoteRenderer
renderWedge(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
renderWedgeStaccato(Graphics, int, int, double, Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MarkRenderer
repackParent() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.MusicShapeEditor
run up the parent component hierarchy until you get null or you get a Window, then pack() the Window
repaint() - Method in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVCanvas
repaint() - Method in class com.didkovsky.portview.PVScrollbar
repaint() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreCanvasAdapter
repaint() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.MusicShapeEditor
repaint() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.MusicShapeEditorCanvas
repatch(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.JMSLMixerContainer
Enumerate all MixerFaders.
repatch(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.JSynMixer
repatch(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.JSynMixer
repatch(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.midi.MidiMixer
Does nothing
repatch(Instrument) - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.Mixer
Sometimes the internals of an instrument change which require that it be repatched
repatch(Instrument) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.NullMixer
Does nothing
repeat(double) - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.Composable
This will be called N times based on the setRepeat(N) Override this for custom operation.
repeat(double) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
This will be called N times based on the setRepeat(N) Override this for custom operation.
repeat(double) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.MeasureMetronome
repeat(double) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.ClockTicker
repeat(double) - Method in class jmslexamples.jsyn.ancient.FMNoodler
repeat(double) - Method in class jmslexamples.jsyn.ancient.SeqGenDemo.SeqJob
repeat(double) - Method in class jmsltestsuite.DimensionNameSpaceEditorTest
repeat(double) - Method in class jmsltestsuite.jsyn2.TestSamplePitchbend
repeat(double) - Method in class jmsltutorial.HardCodedMusicJob
Override repeat() to provide your own functionality
repeat(double) - Method in class jmsltutorial.PrintingJob
Override MusicJob's repeat() to do what you want
REPEAT_BEGIN - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REPEAT_BEGIN - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.SonataFontConstants
REPEAT_END - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REPEAT_END - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.SonataFontConstants
repeatCount - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
RepeatCountDialog - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.view
Open a dialog which provides a measure's repeat count
RepeatCountDialog(Frame, Measure, String, String) - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.view.RepeatCountDialog
replaceCharacters(String, int, String) - Static method in class com.softsynth.util.XMLTools
replaceDrawingAnchor(Point2D) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Note
anchor is the horizontal note location
reportMIDIFileWritten(boolean, String) - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.score.midi.ScoreMIDIFileWriterListener
reportMIDIFileWritten(boolean, String) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreFrame
REQUEST_OBJECT - Static variable in class
requestFocus() - Method in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVButton
requestVersion(int) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.JMSL
If the existing version is earlier than the requested version, then the user will be instructed to upgrade to the latest version of JMSL
reset() - Method in interface com.softsynth.jmsl.SequenceGenerator
Reset sequence generator so that it will restart at seed value.
reset() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.HailstoneSequence
Reset sequence generator so that it will restart at beginning.
reset() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.Oof
Reset sequence generator so that it will restart at last saved seed value.
reset() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RandomSequence
Reset sequence generator so that it will restart at beginning.
reset() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RunRange
reset() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.SequencerGeneratorAdapter
Reset sequence generator so that it will restart at last saved seed value.
reset() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.MusicShapeEditor
force recalculation of MusicShape drawing parameters.
reset() - Static method in class jmsltestsuite.LongList
resetAccidentalLevelManager() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Track
resetAllRepeats() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.ScoreCollection
resetIndex() - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PanAmpPanel
resetInstrumentIndex() - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.max.MaxInstrument
Reset static MaxInstrument index to 0.
resetLeftMargin() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Measure
resetStaffSpacingIndex() - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.StaffSpacing
resonance - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.circuits.FilteredSawtoothExpLag
resonance - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.unitvoices.FilteredSawtoothBL
resonance - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.unitvoices.SmoothFilteredSawtoothBL
resonRate - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.circuits.FilteredSawtoothExpLag
resortChord(Note) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Note
make root == handle == lowest pitched note, sort the vector of intervals low to high
REST_128 - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REST_256 - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REST_512 - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REST_64 - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REST_EIGHTH - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REST_EIGHTH - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.SonataFontConstants
REST_HALF - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REST_QUARTER - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REST_QUARTER - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.SonataFontConstants
REST_SIXTEENTH - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REST_THIRTYSECOND - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
REST_WHOLE - Static variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.musicglyphrenderers.BravuraFontConstants
RestsToTiedNotes - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe
Scan through the notes of a score, and extend notes whose hold times extend beyond their beat across a run of rests
RestsToTiedNotes() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe.RestsToTiedNotes
RestToggleTransform - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms
Toggle a note between rest and pitch
RestToggleTransform() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms.RestToggleTransform
resumeEncoding() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.Base64.OutputStream
Resumes encoding of the stream.
retrieveSynthNoteForUpdate(UpdatableInstrument, double[]) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.AllocatedSynthVoiceLookup
Search through Hashtable for double[] whose getUpdateDimension() matches the value in dar[getUpdateDimension()].
RetrogradeMusicShapeEditorOperator - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
Reverse a range of a MusicShape
RetrogradeMusicShapeEditorOperator() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RetrogradeMusicShapeEditorOperator
RetrogradeTransform - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms
RetrogradeTransform() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms.RetrogradeTransform
reverse(int, int, int) - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicShape
reverse the order of Shape data.
reverseState() - Method in class jmslexamples.TextJob
reverse the boolean state of the TextJob
rewind() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.score.Score
Set current insertion measure to 0, used by addNote().
RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.didkovsky.portview.PVLabel
RIGHT - Static variable in class jmslexamples.jsyn.ancient.FMNoodler
rightBusWriter - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.FaderUnit
rightGain - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.FaderUnit
ringMod - Variable in class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.unitvoices.RingModBell
RingMod - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn
use the pure Java JSyn2 package instead
RingMod() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn.RingMod
RingModBell - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.unitvoices
Bell generated by ring modulating two triangle waves.
RingModBell() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.jsyn2.unitvoices.RingModBell
rounder(double, double) - Static method in class jmsltestsuite.GeneralQuantizer
roundToHalf(double) - Static method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.JMSLMath
run() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.EventScheduler
run() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.MusicJob
Called by thread when launched.
run() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.NewEventScheduler
run() - Method in class com.softsynth.jmsl.oldcode.EventSchedulerWithThreadSleep
run() - Method in class jmsltestsuite.ScoreMemoryTest
RunRange - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
RunRange() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RunRange
RunRangeChecker - Interface in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
A test to extract a range of objects linked to each other.
RunRangeFinder - Class in com.softsynth.jmsl.util
This class scans its Objects, applies an arbitrary boolean test to them and generates a Vector of RunRange.
RunRangeFinder() - Constructor for class com.softsynth.jmsl.util.RunRangeFinder
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