InstrumentOnOff |
Use a MusicJob to turn an Instrument on() for five seconds, then shut it
InstrumentOnOffUpdate |
Use a MusicJob to turn an Instrument on() for two seconds, update its timbral dimensions numerous times,
then shut it off().
JSyn2DimensionFun |
Create a multidimensional MusicShape and Instrument that plays all input
ports of a JSyn UnitVoice
JSyn2Score |
Build a simple Score with an orchestra of pure Java JSyn instruments.
JSyn2Song |
JSynQuartet |
Use a ParallelCollection to play four independent voices.
JSynScore |
Build a simp le Score with an orchestra of JSyn instruments.
JSynSong |
Use a SequentialCollection to play ABABB "song form" with a JSyn UnitVoice
Upgraded to JSyn2 API Dec 6, 2016
MidiInputExample |
MIDIScore |
Build a simple Score with a JavaSound Midi orchestra
Also demonstrates JMSL's support for high quality SoundFonts (sf2) files.
MIDISimple |
Just play a MusicShape with a Midi instrument.
MIDISong |
Use a SequentialCollection to ABAB "song form" with Midi piano
SoundFont support! As of Java 1.7 uses Gervill JavaSound.
MusicListExample |
Schedule a sequence of chord-making objects.
MusicShapeEditorExample |
Play a MusicShape repeatedly with a JSyn instrument, each repeat scramble the
order of its elements
Display the MusicShape in the MusicShapeEditor
MusicShapeScrambling |
Play a MusicShape repeatedly with a JSyn instrument, each repeat scramble the
order of its elements
Also demonstrates how to add a PlayLurker which is notified of elements being
played by MusicShape.
OneSoundOnce |
Just play one pitched sound once.
RandomJSynMusicJobMelody |
Use a MusicJob to play a melody made up of uniformly random pitches,
durations, amplitudes, & hold times
SelfModifyingScore |
One measure repeats 1000 times, changing its own tempo and the pitches of its
notes each repeat.
SimpleUnitVoice |
Sine with an envelope.
TenRandomMidiNotes |
Use a MusicJob to play ten MIDI notes with random pitch, duration, vel, and
hold time
TimbralMusicShape |
Play timbral input ports of a JSyn UnitVoice with a MusicShape
Upgraded to JSyn2 API Dec 6, 2016
TranscribeAndNotate |
Transcribe two MusicShapes and generate a Score.
UnpredictableSong |
Same as JSynSong except the verse, chorus, and rest will come in an
unpredictable order