JMSL now ships in one fully functional version.
You may request a 30 day demo license here.
JMSL includes:
JMSL Installation
Unpack the distribution onto your hard drive and note its location. Spaces in directory names are STRONGLY discouraged,
so be careful of paths like C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop (Bad! Path includes spaces!)
JMSL now ships as a two jar files: jmsl.jar and jscore.jar. This was done for more efficient delivery of
online pieces that may not need common music notation. For non-notated works, which only use the core jmsl classes,
use jmsl.jar. If your piece needs common music notation, you must *also* include jscore.jar (for example, in an applet tag: < archive="jscore.jar, jmsl.jar"> )
If you have installed a non-jarred previous version of JMSL, delete
the folder jwork/website/classes/com/softsynth/jmsl (just delete
the jmsl folder!). If you have been using a previous version of JMSL that shipped with a jar file,
avoid the use of jmslclasses.jar (move it out of the way somewhere, but keep it around in case you depend on it for some existing pieces while you switch over your code)
Mac OS X: DO NOT copy jmsl.jar and jscore.jar to ~/Library/Java/Extensions
JMSL is not designed to be run as an extension. If you have installed it there from a previous prerelease, please remove it.
Go here to find out more about using JMSL as a Java Extension
Using JMSL Score as a stand-alone
Intended audience:
You want to launch JScore, start entering notes in common music notation, and hear it with JSyn instruments or MIDI.
You intend to use Wire (JSyn graphical patch editor) to design SynthNotes for use in JMSL Score.
You don't want to program any Java for this.
(Note that in order to export your patches from Wire you must have purchased a JSyn license)
When launched, JMSL Score scans a "jmsl_plugins" folder
if it is found in its classpath, and generates menus to import SynthNotes, Transforms, and Instruments it finds there.
The scripts generated by JMSLScriptMaker will help set this up for you so you can build up a custom JScore environment
with plugins that you and others have developed.
JMSLScriptMaker will create two customized command scripts: one that compiles Wire patches, and another that launches JScore with the jmsl_plugins folder in the classpath. This provides a non-programmer with a path that begins with sound design in Wire and flows easily into composing with these sounds in common music notation.
Here's what you do: Double click on JMSLScriptMaker.jar to launch the script making utility.
Click the buttons to browse for the jar files appropriate for your system, and browse for the Wire patches directory.
This utility generates two scripts for your computer:
1) run_jmsl_score - This script launches JMSL Score with jmsl_plugins in classpath
2) compile_wire_patches - This calls javac on all your exported in your Wire patches folder, and puts them
in the jmsl_plugins folder where JMSL Score can find them
Then just double click on run_jmsl_score to launch JMSL's common music notation package.
MAC OS X USERS!!!!!!!!!
If you are using Mac OS X, the resulting scripts will have to be made "executable" before you can
double click on them. To do this,
chmod +x
chmod +x /Users/yourname/pathto/run_jmsl_score.command
Hit Return. You have made the script "executable" and can now just double click on it.
You will not have to do this exercise again.
Java Development Environment Notes
We strongly encourage the use of an integrated development
environment like Eclipse ( Learn how to create a new Eclipse Project that uses JMSL
Your Java project's build path must include jmsl.jar and jscore.jar.
Eclipse users select Project Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External Jars, then browse for jmsl.jar and jscore.jar
JBuilder users: add two new required libraries to your project, name them JMSL and JSCORE, and browse to the locations of jmsl.jar and jscore.jar
We have included a simple test class called,
which can be found in the TestDev folder. To test your
JMSL installation, we will compile and run this class. If
you are using a Mac, have a quick peak below to see the GUI that should
open if you're successful, then follow the Mac instructions.
(Note that this does not use Midi, so even if you see a warning message
about Midi not initializing, don't worry, it's not being used).
Ok? Let's do it. We show two versions: Eclipse and command line.
COMMAND LINE COMPILE javac -d ../classes -classpath ../classes/jmsl.jar
java -classpath ../classes;../classes/jmsl.jar jmsltestsuite.HelloJMSLOSX: java -classpath ../classes:../classes/jmsl.jar jmsltestsuite.HelloJMSL |
Whether you used Eclipse, some other IDE, or the command line, you should see a frame open up that looks like this:
And when you watch the console, you will see data printed out over time, like this:
We strongly encourage you to use an IDE at this point and get away from command line development. Try Eclipse and read Eclipse guide
MidiShare is now JMSL's default Midi class. If
want to send and receive MIDI with JMSL, we recommend MidiShare (
Read Nick's installation logs for MidiShare Windows or OS X
Compile and run jmsltestsuite.JMSLJSynApplet
Note that you must have the JSyn sdk installed (
). Your java build path must include the external jar files: jmsl.jar and JSynClasses.jar
OS X users: JSynClasses.jar is installed as an extension so you do not have to manually add it to your build path.
Windows users: depending on how you installed JSyn (as a browser plugin or the sdk), you may or may not have to explicitely add JSynClasses.jar to you build path. Try without and add if needed.
Also try:
We will open an empty JScore, initialize an orchestra,
and import a JSyn SynthNote:
Select Orchestra -> New Orchestra
JMSL is copyright 1997-2004 Nick Didkovsky and Phil Burk,
all rights reserved.
Nick Didkovsky,,
Phil Burk,
Double click on the run_jmsl_score command icon created by JMSLScriptMaker as described in "Using JMSL Score as a stand-alone"
Select Orchestra -> JSyn -> Import JSyn SynthNote
Click ok on the dialog that opens, to import com.softsynth.jsyn.circuits.FilteredSawtoothBL
Enter a note in the top staff (Windows: right mouse click
on the staff, Mac: Apple-click on the staff)
You should hear the notes you entered sound with FilteredSawtoothBL
Developers: Besides jmsl.jar you must also include jscore.jar in your project's build path (Eclipse users go
to project properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External Jar, browse for jscore.jar in addition to jmsl.jar).
Build and run jmslexamples.jsyn.JScoreJSynDemo
A music notation window opens. Right Click in the staves
to enter notes. You should hear them play with JSyn instruments
Local: Point your browser to <installdir>/jmsl/index.html
Use online form to contact Phil at