Java Music Specification Language
Download and licensing
JMSL MusicShape

JMSL enables programmers to create Java applications that uses the JMSL API. It includes compiled classes, example programs and programmer guides.

JMSL ships complete with docs, example code, tutorial, jars files, etc.
You may download and request a 30 day evaluation license.

When you purchase JMSL, you will receive a developer's license via email.
When you receive your license, make a note of where you saved the JMSL.lic file, and follow the license installation instructions here

  • includes all JMSL classes in two JAR files (jmsl.jar and jscore.jar)
  • includes test suite with source
  • includes docs
  • includes tutorial
  • includes examples
  • includes JScore instruments
  • JMSL Score, the common music notation package.


  1. Individual License - As a licensed user, you will have highest priority for technical support.
  2. Academic or Commercial Site Licenses - provide license for groups at a discount.
  3. OEM Licenses - for developers who wish to redistribute JMSL components with their products, or use JMSL on large commercial websites. Contact sales

Plain Text Summary of the SDK License:

  1. Use of this software implies acceptance of the full text of the SDK License Agreement.
  2. You may download JMSL and use it freely for developing software or music for non-commercial purposes.
  3. Music created using JMSL may be freely performed in public and freely redistributed in non-executable form, for example AIFF, WAV, MP3 files or Audio CDs.
  4. Registered Developers who have paid the license fee may publish Java Applets that use JMSL on a non-commercial web site, or a small-scale commercial web-site with gross annual revenues less than US$20,000.00
  5. JMSL, in whole or in part, may NOT be redistributed by any means. It may only be downloaded from  The Customer may not directly link to non-HTML, binary or archive files on the website, or place JMSL on their own site. You may not distribute JMSL libraries or classes without a Redistribution License. Please contact "" if you wish to purchase a Redistribution License.
  6. JMSL is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and their equivalents under the laws of any jurisdiction.
Copyright 1997-2025 Nick Didkovsky and Phil Burk