JMSL Tutorial: JScore
JMSL Score instruments, part 1

JMSL Score can use any JMSL instrument to play notes. 

It supports importing JSyn UnitVoices and Midi, requiring no additional programming to do so.

Each note in the score can have its own list of parameters to play its instrument. For example, the first note of a measure being played by an FM instrument can have a different index of modulation than the second note, so the timbre can change from note to note.

JMSL Score also supports signal processing instruments, so you can, for example, score a melody in the top staff, and score the delay in the second staff, where notes in the second staff control delay duration and feedback values. And since these instruments are polyphonic, you can score chords of signal processing notes. Each note in the chord will allocate its own voice and can have its own parameters (so you could have a delay play a rhythm of 3:2 for example)

You can design your own instruments from scratch, if the instrument you need is not already built for you. In order for the instrument to save and load back into a score's XML file, the instrument should follow the principles of good instrument design, which is an advance topic covered in the Instrument tutorial.

When JMSL Score creates or loads an Orchestra of Instruments, a mixer panel opens which allows for the mix and panning of instruments present in the orchestra, as the image below shows.

JMSL's JsynOrchestra mixer, inactive, this is only a picture

When you save a JMSL Score, its instruments, orchestra, and mix are saved with the file.

  (C) Nick Didkovsky and Phil Burk, All Rights Reserved
  JMSL is based upon HMSL (C) Phil Burk, Larry Polansky and David Rosenboom.