Interface Interpolator

All Known Implementing Classes:
ExponentialDecayInterpolator, ExponentialInterpolator, HalfCosineInterpolator, LinearInterpolator, MultiInterpolator

public interface Interpolator

An Interpolator is first set up with two (x,y) points, then can be fed any other x to get a y

Method Summary
 double interp(double x)
          get a y value for some x value along Interpolator's function
 void setInterp(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
          Set two points that intersect a function

Method Detail


void setInterp(double x1,
               double y1,
               double x2,
               double y2)
Set two points that intersect a function


double interp(double x)
get a y value for some x value along Interpolator's function