Class DimensionNameSpaceTranslator

  extended by com.softsynth.jmsl.DimensionNameSpaceTranslator

public class DimensionNameSpaceTranslator
extends java.lang.Object

Translate an array of double from one DimensionNameSpace to another. Preserves as many values as possible by matching as many names as possible

Nick Didkovsky

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addInvariant(int dim)
          Specify a dimension index that should be cross copied regardless of naming.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 void setDestinationDimensionNameSpace(DimensionNameSpace dns)
 void setSourceDimensionNameSpace(DimensionNameSpace dns)
 double[] translate(double[] sourceDar)
          Copy as many values from source array to dest array as possible, pulling values by name.
 double[] translate(double[] sourceDar, double[] resultDar)
          Copy as many values from source array to dest array as possible, pulling values by name.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DimensionNameSpaceTranslator()
Method Detail


public void addInvariant(int dim)
Specify a dimension index that should be cross copied regardless of naming. For example, if dimension 0 is always duration, addInvariant(0) and sourceArray[0] will be copied across to destArray[0] regardless of naming.


public void setSourceDimensionNameSpace(DimensionNameSpace dns)


public void setDestinationDimensionNameSpace(DimensionNameSpace dns)


public double[] translate(double[] sourceDar,
                          double[] resultDar)
Copy as many values from source array to dest array as possible, pulling values by name. Then run through dimension invariants and copy those across (for example dim 0 to dim 0) Other values set to destinationNameSpace.getDefault(dim)

Uses preallocated double[] for destination.

modified resultDar, translated from source


public double[] translate(double[] sourceDar)
Copy as many values from source array to dest array as possible, pulling values by name. Then run through dimension invariants and copy those across (for example dim 0 to dim 0) Other values set to Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY

Allocates new double[] for destination.

modified resultDar, translated from source


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)