Uses of Interface

Packages that use JMSLScrollbarProcessor

Uses of JMSLScrollbarProcessor in com.softsynth.jmsl.view

Constructors in com.softsynth.jmsl.view with parameters of type JMSLScrollbarProcessor
JMSLScrollbar(JMSLScrollbarProcessor par, int v, int min, int max)
          Constructor with parent who will receive notification of value change, initial value, min value, max value.

Uses of JMSLScrollbarProcessor in jmslexamples

Classes in jmslexamples that implement JMSLScrollbarProcessor
 class EventDistributionsDemo
          Nick Didkovsky Sept.
 class ParallelMidiShapes
          Control the speed of a ParallelCollection.
 class TestJMSLScrollbar
          awt's Scrollbar is weird - unreliable behavior...

Uses of JMSLScrollbarProcessor in jmslexamples.jsyn

Classes in jmslexamples.jsyn that implement JMSLScrollbarProcessor
 class EventDistributionsJSynDemo
          Launch a MusicJob whose performance density is generated by a Myhill Distribution.
 class EventDistributionsJSynDemoWithScore
          Launch a MusicJob whose performance density is generated by a Myhill Distribution.

Uses of JMSLScrollbarProcessor in jmsltutorial

Classes in jmsltutorial that implement JMSLScrollbarProcessor
 class FMSpectrumApplet
 class PlayLurkerToot01
          Play a melody with a MusicShape while a PlayLurker is notified of every element played.
 class WeightedObjectToot
          Plays a SequentialCollection which has a WeightedObjectChooser as its Behavior.