Uses of Class

Packages that use Score

Uses of Score in com.softsynth.jmsl.score

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score that return Score
 Score ScoreFrame.getCurrentScore()
 Score Track.getScore()
 Score Staff.getScore()
 Score ScorePainter.getScore()
 Score ScoreCommand.getScore()
 Score Note.getScore()
 Score Measure.getScore()
static Score Score.load(java.lang.String filename)
          Load a Score from an XML file.
 Score ScoreXMLLoader.loadXML( stream)
 Score ScoreXMLLoader.loadXML(java.lang.String fileName)
 Score ScoreXMLLoader.loadXML( url)
 Score ScoreXMLLoader.loadXMLFromZip( inputStream)
          Read a score file from a zip archive.

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type Score
 void ScoreFrame.addScore(Score score)
static void NoteRenderer.clearStaffVectors(Score score)
 void ScoreFrame.displayScore(Score score)
static ScoreCommand ScoreCommandCenter.getScoreCommand(Score score, int keyCode)
static ScoreCommand ScoreCommandCenter.getScoreCommand(Score score, java.lang.String commandName)
 void ScorePrinter.handlePrint(Score score)
 void ScoreCanvasSwing.handlePrint(Score score)
 void ScoreCanvasAdapter.handlePrint(Score score)
 void ScoreCanvas.handlePrint(Score score)
 void PrintableScoreCanvasAWT.handlePrint(Score score)
 void ScoreFrame.notifyDirty(Score score, boolean flag)
 void DirtyListener.notifyDirty(Score score, boolean flag)
 void ScoreFrame.notifyNewScore(Score score)
          NewScoreListener interface
 void NewScoreListener.notifyNewScore(Score score)
 void ScoreEditPanel.notifyNumTracksPerStaff(Score score)
          notified by Score when numtracks per staff changes
 void NumTracksPerStaffChangedListener.notifyNumTracksPerStaff(Score score)
 void ScoreOperator.operate(Score score)
          Do some analysis of the score, or add material to it, or operate in some way.
abstract  void NotePropertiesTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do something to the Notes in the SelectionBuffer.
static void TieManager.pruneTies(Score score)
          Run through all notes and intervals of a score.
 void ScoreFrame.removeScore(Score score)
 void ScoreCanvasListener.scoreCanvasDisplayedImageReady(Score score, ScoreCanvas canvas, java.awt.Image displayedImage)
          Called immediately before ScoreCanvas draws the completed offscreen display image to the canvas's graphics context in paint() (awt) or paintComponent() (Swing).
 void GoofyFace.scoreCanvasDisplayedImageReady(Score score, ScoreCanvas canvas, java.awt.Image displayedImage)
 void EditManager.scoreCanvasDisplayedImageReady(Score score, ScoreCanvas canvas, java.awt.Image displayedImage)
 void UnaryCopyBufferTransformCommand.setScore(Score score)
 void ScoreCommand.setScore(Score score)
 void NotePropertiesTransformCommand.setScore(Score score)
 void BinaryCopyBufferTransformCommand.setScore(Score score)

Constructors in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type Score
EditManager(Score score, EditStateProvider editStateProvider)
Measure(ScoreCollection scoreCollection, Score score, int numStaffs)
Measure(ScoreCollection scoreCollection, Score score, int numStaffs, TimeSignature timeSig)
NoteBlockEnumerator(Score score, Note firstNote, Note lastNote, boolean maximizeEndTimeLimit)
NoteFlasher(Score score)
NoteTextEditor(java.awt.Frame f, Score score, Note note)
NoteTextEditor(java.awt.Frame f, Score score, java.util.Vector notes)
NoteTrackEnumerator(Score score, Note firstNote, Note lastNote)
ScoreCollection(Score parent, int numStaffs)
ScoreControlPanel(Score score)
ScoreEditPanel(Score score)
ScoreLayoutManager(Score score, int width, int height)
ScoreLayoutManager(Score score, int width, int height, int measuresPerLine)
          Constructor gets passed the dimensions of the drawing canvas
ScoreLayoutManagerEnumerator(Score score, int startingMeasure, int numMeasures)
ScorePainter(Score parent)
ScoreWriter(Score score, out, java.lang.String templateName, java.lang.String musPrefix)

Uses of Score in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.midi

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.midi with parameters of type Score
 void WriteScoreMidiFile.setScore(Score s)
 void JavaSoundMidiRenderer.setScore(Score s)

Uses of Score in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.operators

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.operators with parameters of type Score
 void TempoUnblockingOperator.operate(Score score)
          Run through each measure, and for each contiguous tempo, unset the tempoSetByHand flag
 void ScoreMusicShapeEditorOperator.operate(Score score)
 void DurationReporter.operate(Score score)

Uses of Score in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe that return Score
 Score TranscribeMidiFile.transcribe()

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe with parameters of type Score
 void TranscriberListener.noteAdded(Score score, Note note)
          Notify listener when a Note is added to score by the transcriber.
 void TranscriberListener.notifyCarriedOverMusicShape(Score score, int currentMeasureNumber, MusicShape musicShape)
          Notify listener of note events that will spill over into the next measure, ie notes that are found within the current time window but will round up to beat 1 of the following measure.
 void Transcriber.setScore(Score score)

Uses of Score in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms with parameters of type Score
 void TupletTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Apply tuplet to selected Notes
 void TranspositionTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void TieTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are beamed, unbeam all.
 void SlurTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are slurred, undo all.
 void RestToggleTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If a note is NOT a rest, make it a rest.
 void OctavaTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are 8va'ed or 8vb'ed, undo all.
 void NoteHeadTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Set notehead of each Note in selection buffer to specified notehead type
 void MarkTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Apply expression mark to selected Notes
 void LyricLevelTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
 void HoldTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
           public void operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer) { HoldDialog vd = new HoldDialog(this, parent, ratio); (new HoldDialog(this, parent, ratio)).setVisible(true); if (!proceed) { // System.out.println("Bailing"); } else { for (Enumeration e = selectionBuffer.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Note note = (Note) e.nextElement(); if (!note.isRest()) { double duration = note.getDurationData(); double hold = ratio * duration; note.setHoldData(hold); } } } score.setDirty(true); }
 void HalveTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void DynamicTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Apply dynamic to selected Notes
 void DurationTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void DoubleTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void DotTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Add 1 modulo 3 dots to all notes in selection
 void CrescTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are cresced or decresced, undo all.
 void BeamTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are beamed, unbeam all.
 void AmplitudeTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void AltEnharmonicSpellingToggleTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Flip the enharmonic spelling flag on all selected Notes
 void AccidentalPreferenceTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Set the accidental preferences of all selected Notes

Uses of Score in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util that return Score
 Score RawJScoreFileImporter.getScore(int w, int h)

Constructors in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.util with parameters of type Score
LilyPondWriter(Score score, file)
          Write JMSL score to LilyPond file
MusicXMLWriter(Score score, out)
SAPScoreWriter(Score score, out, java.lang.String templateName, java.lang.String musPrefix)

Uses of Score in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.view

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.view that return Score
 Score ScoreMusicShapeEditor.getScore()

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.view with parameters of type Score
 void ScoreMusicShapeEditor.setScore(Score score)

Constructors in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.view with parameters of type Score
EditScoreDialog(java.awt.Frame f, Score score)
ScoreSectionRenameDialog(java.awt.Frame frame, ScoreSection scoreSection, Score score, PVChoice sectionChoice)

Uses of Score in jmslexamples.simple

Methods in jmslexamples.simple that return Score
 Score TranscribeAndNotate.generateScore()

Uses of Score in jmsltestsuite

Methods in jmsltestsuite that return Score
static Score MultipleScoresDemoPolyTempo.generateSomeScore(double tempo)
 Score MultipleScoresDemo2.gimmeScore()
 Score MultipleScoresDemo1.transcribe(MusicShape s)
          Transcribe a MusicShape and return a new Score

Methods in jmsltestsuite with parameters of type Score
 void MultipleScoresDemoPolyTempo.addScore(Score score)
 void TranscribeScore8.noteAdded(Score score, Note note)
          Notify listener when a Note is added to score by the transcriber.
 void TranscribeScore8.notifyCarriedOverMusicShape(Score score, int currentMeasureNumber, MusicShape musicShape)
          Notify listener of note events that will spill over into the next measure, ie notes that are found within the current time window but will round up to beat 1 of the following measure.
 void DrawOnScore.scoreCanvasDisplayedImageReady(Score score, ScoreCanvas canvas, java.awt.Image displayedImage)
          Called immediately before ScoreCanvas draws the completed offscreen display image to the canvas's graphics context.

Uses of Score in jmsltutorial

Methods in jmsltutorial with parameters of type Score
 void TranscribeToot06.noteAdded(Score score, Note note)
          TranscriberListener interface .
 void TranscribeToot06.notifyCarriedOverMusicShape(Score score, int currentMeasureNumber, MusicShape musicShape)
          TranscriberListener interface