Uses of Class

Packages that use NotePropertiesTransform

Uses of NotePropertiesTransform in com.softsynth.jmsl.score

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type NotePropertiesTransform
 void ScoreFrame.addNotePropertiesTransform(NotePropertiesTransform transform)
          Add a custom NotePropertiesTransform to this ScoreFrame's "Note Property Transforms" menu.
 void ScoreFrame.addNotePropertiesTransform(NotePropertiesTransform transform, int shortCutKey)
          Add a custom NotePropertiesTransform to this ScoreFrame's "Note Property Transforms" menu.
 void ScoreFrame.addNotePropertiesTransform(PVMenu menu, NotePropertiesTransform transform)
 void ScoreFrame.addNotePropertiesTransform(PVMenu menu, NotePropertiesTransform transform, int shortCutKey)
 void ScoreFrame.addNotePropertiesTransform(PVMenu menu, NotePropertiesTransform transform, int shortCutKey, boolean useShift)
          Add a custom NotePropertiesTransform to this ScoreFrame's "Note Property Transforms" menu.

Constructors in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type NotePropertiesTransform
NotePropertiesTransformCommand(NotePropertiesTransform transform)

Uses of NotePropertiesTransform in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms

Subclasses of NotePropertiesTransform in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms
 class AccidentalPreferenceTransform
          Set preferred accidental for selected Notes.
 class AltEnharmonicSpellingToggleTransform
          Toggle a note between using alternate enharmonic spelling or not
 class AmplitudeTransform
          Change amplitude of selected notes.
 class BeamTransform
          Beam/unbeam selected Notes.
 class CrescTransform
          (De)Cresce/un(De)cresc selected Notes.
 class DotTransform
          Cycle through setting 0, 1, 2 dots on Notes in Selection Buffer.
 class DoubleTransform
          Double duration of selected notes.
 class DurationTransform
          Set all durations to specified core duration
 class DynamicTransform
          Change dynamic value of Notes in Selection Buffer.
 class HalveTransform
          Cut duration of selected notes in half.
 class HoldTransform
          Change hold (sustain time) of selected notes based on a ratio to its duration.
 class LyricLevelTransform
          Set the Y offset of the text of the note to a constant level below the staff
 class MarkTransform
          Change Expression Mark of all Notes in Selection Buffer.
 class NoteHeadTransform
 class OctavaTransform
          8va/8vb selected Notes.
 class RestToggleTransform
          Toggle a note between rest and pitch
 class SlurTransform
          Slur/Unslur selected Notes.
 class TieTransform
          Tie/untie selected Notes.
 class TranspositionTransform
          Transpose pitch of Notes in Selection Buffer.
 class TupletTransform
          Change tuplet info of Notes in Selection Buffer.