JMSL Tutorial: JScore
Adding measures to a score

JScore allows the user to enter and edit notes by hand, but its real strength lies in its programmability, which breaks down into two areas:
1) Adding algorithmically generated notes to a score
2) Transforming selected notes in a score

This tutorial demonstrates:
►How to create a new score.
►How to add it to a frame for display and editing.
►How to use JMSL's api for adding measures with user defined time signatures.

A new Score is created like so:
	// 2 staves, width, height
	Score score = new Score(2, 800, 400);

A score can be added to a ScoreFrame for display and editing. ScoreFrame has a powerful system of menus for score editing. Adding a score to a ScoreFrame is done like this:
	ScoreFrame scoreFrame = new ScoreFrame();

A blank measure with an arbitrary time signature can be added to a score with the addMeasure() method. For example:
	score.addMeasure(11, 16);  
	score.addMeasure(3, 4); 
	// add a measure with random time signature
	score.addMeasure(JMSLRandom.choose(3, 7), (int)Math.pow(2, JMSLRandom.choose(2, 4)));
JMSL Score with measures added
View the complete source here.

  (C) Nick Didkovsky and Phil Burk, All Rights Reserved
  JMSL is based upon HMSL (C) Phil Burk, Larry Polansky and David Rosenboom.