JMSL Tutorial: JSyn and JMSL, playing a JSynUnitVoiceInstrument with a MusicShape
We will build a JSynUnitVoiceInstrument using SubtractiveSynthVoice, set it into a MusicShape, and launch the MusicShape.
JMSL's convenient JSynUnitVoiceInstrument uses pitch numbers where 60=middle C if you are using twelve tone ET, and amplitudes 0..1 (note that fractional pitches are OK).
The class below builds a four-dimensional MusicShape and plays it with a JSynUnitVoiceInstrument. The instrument plays up to 8 polyphonic voices of the JSyn UnitVoice named SubtractiveSynthVoice. The timbre of the UnitVoice will not change beyond pitch and amplitude, since it using a simple four dimensional MusicShape (dur, pitch, amp, hold)