JMSL Tutorial: Instruments and Interpreters

Just to demonstrate that arbitrary interpretation of data is a hallmark of JMSL, let's whip together an Instrument that changes the background color of a JPanel. It will interpret MusicShape data as (R,G,B) color values. The zeroth dimension of the MusicShape shall be interpreted as duration (this is a standard interpretation), while dimensions 1..3 are respectively the intensity values of red, green, and blue.

The Instrument class, shown below, simply extracts RGB data from its double[] parameter, and communicates the color change to a JPanel.
public class BackgroundColorInstrument extends InstrumentAdapter {

    JComponent jc;

    BackgroundColorInstrument(JComponent jc) {
        this.jc = jc;

    /** Overridden for custom interpretation */
    public double play(double playTime, double timeStretch, double dar[]) {
        double duration = dar[0];
        int r = (int) dar[1];
        int g = (int) dar[2];
        int b = (int) dar[3];
        jc.setBackground(new Color(r, g, b));
        return playTime + duration * timeStretch;

This MusicShape is loaded with random data, and prints itself out in the TextArea before it starts performing as shown in the video below.

View the complete source for this example here.

View the complete source for BackgroundColorInstrument here.

TextAreaSTDOut source

  (C) 1997 Phil Burk and Nick Didkovsky, All Rights Reserved
JMSL is based upon HMSL (C) Phil Burk, Larry Polansky and David Rosenboom.