Package com.softsynth.jmsl.score.operators
Class Summary Class Description AccidentalDisagreementsReporter For each measure in a score, look for pitch classes that are spelled with different accidentals and reportDurationReporter Run through each staff of each measure and see if there are too many or not enough notes in each.MeasuresWithRestsOperator PitchClassSelector For selected measure, open a dialog and choose which piutch class to highlight.PlaySelectedCluster ScoreMusicShapeEditorOperator Open a ScoreMusicShapeEditor in its own Frame, set to current Score.StaffSpacingResetOperator Run through each staff of each measure and see if there are too many or not enough notes in each.TempoUnblockingOperator UnbalancedRepeatsReporter Run through each measure and checks if repeats ||: :|| are balanced or not (helpful for LilyPond export)