Interface PVCheckbox

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
PVCheckboxAWT, PVCheckboxSwing

public interface PVCheckbox
extends PVComponent
com.didkovsky.portview is a Java package for creating UI components in either Swing or AWT (switchable depending on PortView.getViewFactory()) PVCheckbox is an interface for a Checkbox component that can be either AWT or Swing depending on ViewFactory Note that addActionListener() is supported in Swing and addItemListener() is support by AWT. To handle an event add both an action listener and an itemlistener to your PVCheckbox The Swing version will trigger actionPerformed(), and AWT version will trigger itemStateChanged(). So one way to manage this is to pull out the event handling code into a common method called handleCheckboxSelected(Object source) and call this from itemStateChanged() and from actionPerformed(), handing it ev.getsource(); This was done here because calling setSelected() on a Swing Checkbox also generates an ItemState Changed event This is really messy if clicking one checkbox causes the states of otehr checkboxes to change (a good example is com.softsynth.jmsl.view.PatchEditorPanel where source checkboxes are "patched" to destiination checkboxes)
Nick Didkovsky, (c) 2004 All rights reserved, Email:
  • Method Details

    • getState

      boolean getState()
    • setState

      void setState​(boolean state)
    • addItemListener

      void addItemListener​(java.awt.event.ItemListener l)
    • setLabel

      void setLabel​(java.lang.String text)
    • getLabel

      java.lang.String getLabel()