package jmslexamples; import com.softsynth.jmsl.JMSL; import com.softsynth.jmsl.JMSLRandom; /**

   Generate a CSound score file using statistical distributions of grains read from input sound file

  Example of one line of output:
 ; ins 		strt 	dur  	amp  	skip 		 atk  		rel		pan
    i1 	  0   	0.01   .5   	0    	.0025 	 .0025  0.5

  Assumes a CSound orc file like the following, where "aiff\marimba.aif" is the source for grains and has length 0.126 sec.
 sr = 44100               ; audio sampling rate is 44.1 kHz
 kr = 4410                 ; control rate is tenth that Hz
 ksmps = 10               ; number of samples in a control period (sr/kr)
 nchnls = 2                 ; number of channels of audio output
  instr 1
     idur        =    p3
     iamp        =    p4
     iskiptime   =    p5   
     iattack     =    p6
     irelease    =    p7
     ipan 			 = 		p8               
     kamp        linen      iamp, iattack, idur, irelease  
     asig        soundin   "aiff\marimba.aif", iskiptime
     arampsig    =   kamp * asig           
     outs      arampsig * ipan, arampsig * (1-ipan)
@author Nick Didkovsky */ public class GrainMaker { int numSplatters = 1; // How many blasts of grains int numGrains = 10; // How many grains to splatter each time double spread = 0.5; // Time spread "left" and "right" of target time, controls Gauss bell double outDur = 10.0; // Duration of output sound file double inDur = 0.126; // Duration of input sound file, you must set properly by checking your file!!! double maxGrainDur = 0.01; // Max width of grain, chosen 0..max double minGrainDur = 0.001; boolean useGauss = true; // Uniform statistical grain distribution or Gaussian distribution // mutator methods follow public void setNumSplatters(int n) { numSplatters = n; } public void setNumGrains(int n) { numGrains = n; } public void setSpread(double n) { spread = n; } public void setOutDur(double n) { outDur = n; } public void setInDur(double n) { inDur = n; } public void setMaxGrainDur(double n) { maxGrainDur = n; } public void setMinGrainDur(double n) { minGrainDur = n; } public void setUseGauss(boolean b) { useGauss = b; } // Accessor methods public int getNumSplatters() { return numSplatters; } public int getNumGrains() { return numGrains; } public double getSpread() { return spread; } public double getOutDur() { return outDur; } public double getInDur() { return inDur; } public double getMaxGrainDur() { return maxGrainDur; } public double getMinGrainDur() { return minGrainDur; } public boolean getUseGauss() { return useGauss; } String format(double d) { return ((int) (d * 10000)) / 10000.0 + ""; } /** Choose a target time and generate numGrains grains within the spread of the target */ void splatter() { double targetTime = JMSLRandom.choose(outDur); for (int i = 0; i < numGrains; i++) { double start; if (useGauss) start = JMSLRandom.gauss(spread, targetTime); else start = JMSLRandom.choosePlusMinus(spread) + targetTime; double grainDur = JMSLRandom.choose() * (maxGrainDur - minGrainDur) + minGrainDur; double amp = JMSLRandom.choose(); double skip = JMSLRandom.choose() * inDur; double attack = minGrainDur; double release = minGrainDur; double pan = JMSLRandom.choose(); if (start >= 0.0) { String startStr = format(start); String grainDurStr = format(grainDur); String ampStr = format(amp); String skipStr = format(skip); String panStr = format(pan); JMSL.out.println( "i1 " + startStr + " " + grainDurStr + " " + ampStr + " " + skipStr + " " + attack + " " + release + " " + panStr); } } } /** Nice comments for .sco file */ void writeHeader() { JMSL.out.println("; Generated by by Nick Didkovsky,"); JMSL.out.println("; GrainMaker (c) 1998 Didkovsky/Nerveware, all rights reserved"); JMSL.out.println(";ins strt dur amp skip atk rel pan"); } /** end of sco file */ void cleanup() { JMSL.out.println("e"); // end sco file } /** Top level method. Blast a number of bursts of grains into and output score file */ public void makeGrains() { writeHeader(); for (int i = 0; i < numSplatters; i++) splatter(); cleanup(); } public static void main(String args[]) { GrainMaker gm = new GrainMaker(); JMSLRandom.randomize(); gm.makeGrains(); System.exit(0); } }