As of this writing, Mac OSX users who have jmsl.jar in ~/Library/Java/Extensions will get an AccessControlException when some threads are interrupted in an applet context. One workaround is to create a file named .java.policy in your user home directory (note that the name must be "dot java dot policy") The contents of .java.policy should be as follows: grant codeBase "file:${user.home}/-" { permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread"; }; Quit your web browser and reload the applet and it should work. Currently, this behavior is filed as a bug with Apple Developer Connection Bug Reporter, Title: "Thread.interrupt() exception when jar in ~/Library/Java/Extensions", Problem ID: 3677803 Nick Didkovsky, June 3, 2004 Thanks to Kimo Johnson for this .java.policy workaround.